PRO Account

Unlimited Trip Plans
Chat Between Trip Mates
Vibrant Trip Invites
Shared maps/location
Activity Selector
Personal Lists
Small Group Lists
Notes / Documents
Large Group Lists/To-Do
Large Group Notes
Multipin Maps
Personal Library

Yearly subscription for $29.99
If you are a PRO you, unlock the PRO features for everybody else on the trip too.

All the details all the time, surfaced in the app.
Invite Friends
Pick a date
Choose the destination
Chat with the crew
Works off grid
Layout your route
Assignable lists
Live trip updates

Customer Reviews
I plan five to six adventures a year with friends and family. Tribe Pilot has helped me reduce confusion and make our trips smoother by keeping everything in one place and removing ambiguity in the details. Gone are the questions like "where are we staying again?", "What exact days are we meeting?", and most importantly "Who is bringing the coffee?".
Jesse Rosenzweig
As the trip planner for my friend group I know there is a gap in this market and see a huge potential. I plan for groups of 12-16 on international and backcountry trips using google sheets and docs. There should be a better way.
Timothy Fischer
In the era of COVID19, I think the timing of the Tribe Pilot App and the demand for Apps like this to help organize outdoor trips will only grow. I'm excited to see how things evolve as outdoor activities are really the only activities that all people fully endorse amid this pandemic. I see the Tribe Pilot App as a huge catalyst for enabling people to get together and organize amazing adventures while still be able to social distance!